#FreeTheWeb | Free Internet For Africa!

WordPress Tutorial 101

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WordPress Tutorial 101

Now that you have your own awesome website (hopefully created by us!), congratulations! You are on the way to internet business freedom and globalization. So, now its time to update your website and add more cool stuff or start blogging …and you realize, i have no clue where to start. Well my friend you are not alone!

For many people just getting started is the hardest part, so we have provided a completely free series of  WordPress tutorials for beginners with videos and easy to follow step-by-step guides by the awesome guys at WP101. You can watch the videos and use this guide freely, the purpose of the content is to be helpful and show you how to get started managing your own website from your phone, tablet or computer.

So follow along to join the thousands of people around the world who have successfully made the step to be their own website manager! So congratulations… take a deep breath …now get started! Click the first video… check often for new videos and don’t forget it was fun for the guys that made it …so let it be fun for you too! If you ever have questions you can always tweet us, facebook us or simply send us an email.

Oh! one more thing, if you like the free guide …don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!