#FreeTheWeb | Free Internet For Africa!

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With technology on its fast track, it’s hard to believe that large parts of Africa is still being left behind in the dark and in poverty. African nations typically fall toward the bottom of any list measuring small size economic activity, such as income per capita or GDP per capita, despite the massive wealth in natural resources.

mapIn 2009, 22 of 24 nations identified as having “Low Human Development” on the United Nations’ (UN) Human Development Index were located in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2006, 34 of the 50 nations in Africa were on the UN list of the least developed countries in the world.

Embarrassing? We as a continent can do better but only together. So how can we level the playing field? The solution is in our grasp and only we can give Africa a fair chance at change. A fair chance at creating and rebuilding our own communities and environment. A fair change at education, entrepreneurship, health and true independence. All these and more can be achieved with free internet service access to all. By building and providing every community with Internet access jobs can and will be created, new ideas made and realized which will draw in new income. The online opportunities are endless for Africa. Education and much needed training will lead to more African service providers and products. With more business opportunities and jobs available crime and health related deaths (due to lack of funds or knowledge) will be reduced.

This long overdue humanitarian and our domestic responsibility aka #FreeTheWeb Project will enhance the social, political and economic impact in Africa just as the internet and other related technologies has done worldwide. The facts are there, Free the Web… Free Africa.

We plan on starting this Free The Web Webvolution in Nigeria and then provide it to the rest of Africa one nation at a time. Spread the word by following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + and sharing information about the movement and using hash tag #FreeTheWeb in your messages.