#FreeTheWeb Did you know these Top 15 Terms/Slangs/words were created with the Internets existence!
1. LOL Laughing Out Loud
2. ALPHA Head person of a group
3. NOOB New, inexperienced person
4. WWWY What’s Wrong With You?
5. RYT Right, alright
6. (L) Love heart (MSN)
7. IKR I Know, Right
8. LHK Love, Hugs and Kisses
9. BBW Big Beautiful Woman
10. WIFEY Serious girlfriend, wife material
11. DG Don’t Go
12. KMS Kill Myself
13. <3 Love (heart shape)
14. WBY What (A)bout You?
15. SELFIE Picture of yourself, usually take
The Internet and Technology remains a catalyst for emerging words and is reflected in the new Oxford dictionary entries including: MOOC, bitcoin, Internet of things, BYOD, and hackerspace. Still more from the world of technology added in November 2013 high definition, live-stream, and iOS are now featured, as well as terms refollow, resubscribe, and hackable.
Here are some more of the tech-inspired new words entered in the dictionary:
- click and collect
- derp
- digital detox
- emoji
Want more? LOL, find out what else was added here: huffingtonpost.com
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